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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Singular or Plural
Yesterday was a great day for me. I mean really its not every day that you forget your kid at school. (I guess I still haven't forgiven myself). It started off almost as great as it ended. We were having some work done at Place of Employment (POE from here on out) and the alarm went off. I went to where they guys were working to asked them if they had bumped something or disconnected a wire etc... They said they hadn't touched anything. I racked my brain and couldn't figure it out. I put my code in the alarm pad and it turned itself off. About 20 mins later the phone rang. It was the alarm monitering company. The first thing they asked was if we needed emergency services. (Well maybe 17 mins ago but after 20 I am thinking we are A-OK, it probably a good thing I just thought this instead of saying it). So then lady on phone asks me what our "Code Word" is, I know you wish you had cool code word too... anyway, I said pickles*. She repeated pickles back to me and then spelled it, I said yes that is correct. She said ok and then I asked if she could tell me why the alarm went off, she put me on hold, came back and said I can't tell you that and proceded to hang up on me. WHAT????

Less than 5 mins later, bossman's cell phone rang. It was the same lady from the monitering company. She must have asked if (insert my name here) I was there because he said yes and handed me the phone. She apologized for hanging up on me and said I am sorry you had the wrong password. I said well what is it? She said it is pickle and you told me pickleS. Ok, my bad I guess.

I told Hubs all about it last night when I got home. He stuck to the facts that indeed I did give her the wrong password and she was doing her job and what if I really was in danger and someone forced the code word out of me. I said well in that case I would have been sure to make up a password that wasn't even close to pickle or pickleS so that they would then know that I needed help. He then asked me what would happen if they (potential bad guys) knew I made up a password. I then said well by then I would hope that the police were on there way (police station is 1/2 block away) and what would it matter because if they really only there to find out my code word, they aren't the kind of bad guys who are going to hurt me anyway.

* No silly internet, pickle or pickleS isn't really my code word. It is much cooler than that. Pickle was the only ever so wonderful example I could think of that sounds really close to the same word with or without that silly "S" on the end.

Another Reason We Don't Go To Public School
This is the list of how states rank as far as education goes.
How does YOUR state rank?

1. Massachusetts
2. Vermont
3. Connecticut
4. Montana
5. New Jersey
6. Maine
7. Pennsylvania
8. (tie) Wisconsin and Iowa
10. New York
11. Nebraska
12. Minnesota
13. Indiana
14. Wyoming
15. Kansas
16. Rhode Island
17. Virginia
18. Maryland
19. Delaware
20. Michigan
21. North Carolina
22. Ohio
23. Alaska
24. North Dakota
25. Utah
26. New Hampshire
27. Illinois
28. Missouri
29. West Virginia
30. Idaho
31. South Dakota
32. Oregon
33. Washington
34. Texas
35. Colorado
36. Georgia
37. Kentucky
38. Arkansas
39. Oklahoma
40. Florida
41. South Carolina
42. Tennessee
43. Hawaii
44. California
45. Arizona
46. Alabama
47. Louisiana
48. Mississippi
49. Nevada
50. New Mexico

I knew our great state wasn't real high on the list but in the bottom 5? Its a shame, a real shame. Where does your state rate and does it bother you as much as it bothers me?

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Polish the Trophy
Its mine all mine! Send the mother of the year award right on over.... don't even bother trying to one up me, its mine I say!

I FORGOT, yes I said FORGOT to pick K up after school today. In my own defense, I usually don't pick her up after school and this morning my friend that picks her up and drops her off to me told me that she had to take her kids to the dentist this afternoon. I said no problem, I'll buzz over and get her. When I got to work I even said to my boss, don't let me forget I have to get K today.

I felt really really really bad when I realized what I had done. Thankfully I am only about 3 mins away and was only 10 mins late picking her up.

When I got back to work with her, bossman chimmed right in and said don't feel so bad K, I forgot J's 14th birthday. (Kuddos to you bossman thanks for trying to help me out of that one ). Then we had tried to decide which was worse getting left at school or having a parent forget your birthday. Funny, she had a hard time seeing past today but I am guessing had presents really been involved that would have taken the cake.

Monday, August 28, 2006
She Is Her Mother's Daughter
A day last week the girl came home talking about how within the next few days you would be able to see Mars. She said it would be 60,000+ years again before this would happen. To get the real facts you can read about it here.

Anyway, about 7:30 last night she comes running out of her bedroom yelling that tonight was the night and we had to go and see Mars. Here is the conversation that followed:

K- Hurry up! Lets go look.
Me- Where is it supposed to be?
K- (Looking at me as if I had two heads) DUH! In the sky...

The hubs literally had tears running down his face.

Guess its time for me to cut out some of the smart ass comments I am so good at.

I had to explain to her that I was asking where in the sky we were supposed to be able to see Mars (Southeast sky) , I still think she thought I was out of my mind.

Oh My Goodnesss! Oh My Goodness!

Buzz on over and say Congrats to Rod and Mary Mia! They are in the process of adopting from China and got their referral today. No need to do a double take- its not 2 pictures its TWINS!!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Friend or Foe
The girl goes to a school that "asks" that each family do so many volunteer hours per year. (We also like to call them voluntold hours). We were well aware of this going in and we are more than happy to be involved parents. So, I am the "chairperson" for a said commitee at school that involves several other parents. Because it needs so many parents, sometimes it is hard for me to find enough people to fill the job. Sometimes I have to ask someone to help out that really wouldn't be my first choice. But even though they are not my first choice, I just tell myself that they are also there for the kids and they also just want to be involved parents.

So, yesterday morning It. Was. Pouring. Rain. as I was dropping K off at school and my phone rang as we were frantically looking under the seat for an umbrella, it was another parent, who is a good friend, that I had asked several times if she would like to help with "said commitee". Each time I got a flat out NO! Some days even a big Hell No! I answered my phone to her saying "WHY DIDN"T YOU TELL ME So and So was doing this?". Followed by I can't believe you asked her, how could you, etc, etc. I said "Well, after I asked you and you said no, you lost all rights in having a say in who else would be helping me". She went on and on, I tried to politely ask her if I could call her back after I took the girl to her classroom, but again she complained and would not stop. I finally told her look, it is what it is and I am done talking about it. Again, on and on she went. I had enough, told her some not nice words and hung up on her.

Was it nice of me? Probably not. Was it nice of her? I would say definately not. I take pride in this little group I run and work very hard at it. Do I do it for me? Nope. Is it to make friends? Nope. Is it for a pat on the back? Nope. It. Is. For. The. Kids. I thought she felt the same way.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Haven't added a picture for a few days and found this one from May.

You Would Have Done the Same Thing
Is it wrong that last night while over at the friends, as we were making some yummy blended drinks, that the only thing I could find to measure ounces with was a baby bottle? (The Peach Daquari recipe on the back of the Triple Sec bottle is fab-u-lous in cause you are wondering) I was quite pleased with myself for thinking of it if I do say so myself. Just so ya know, it was one of his smaller bottles that he no longer uses. Its not like we ripped one out of his chubby little hands :).

Friday, August 18, 2006
What do you get if you eat:

Captain Crunch for breakfast
A bag of Munchos for "brunch"
A 32 oz pepsi to wash down above mentioned brunch
Whopper Jr. with cheese
about a pound of banana salt water taffy

A great big zit! Go ahead and take my word for it, friend to friend.

In a Funk
I am in one of those moods today that I just can't explain. Just kinda blah I guess. This has been a very busy week at the bug shack. Monday school started and we jumped right back into the swing of things and haven't slowed down since. I have had meeting two nights in a row which throws a twist into the logistics of everything. When I do have a meeting, I run and pick up the kiddo when I get off, drive like a mad woman over to hubs work to drop her off to him and then fly back to my meeting. Because of these two meeting I have had my head in the clouds when it comes to anything besides things pertaining to said meetings. I throw myself into these projects and I feel like I forget about everything else. Last night after I ran Katie up to her dad, I decided I had enough time to stop and grab a real quick bite to eat. Now, I absolutely HATE to stop and get something to eat when I am alone. I went against my better judgement and did it anyway. While I was sitting there I realized that I forgot a very important date in our lives. Yesteday was the hubs birthday and as I sat there chomping on a bread stick I thought Oh! In 2 more days it will mark the anniversary of 2 things at our house. Then I thought 17th, 18th, 19th! Oops, that isn't right, it is the 15th, so it was 2 days BEFORE not AFTER his birthday. I can't believe I had forgotten. I can't even say I thought about them and just put them out of my mind. (Chances are if I look at my calendar they are there in great big letters.) I flat out didn't even think about them once. I feel like a complete ass for it. So, happy 12 years to the hubs and I, and to my FIL who has now been gone 11 years- we miss you!

Monday, August 14, 2006
Hear Ye Hear Ye.....
I HAVE A 5TH GRADER!!!! I don't know where the time has gone. She has been at the same school since kindergarden and has had the same best friend since the first, ok maybe second day of kindergarden. (Don't you wish we could still make new friends so easily?) When they started 5 years ago- her best friend M's baby sister was 4 months old. Today, the baby sister started kindergarden. To me when you can link "time" this way it really is hard to believe! I took the obligatory pictures, complete with the correct number of fingers up in the air for the grade they were starting. (This is VERY helpful to those of you with kids in uniforms when you find a pile of pictures a few years later and can't quite remember what grade they were in). The problem is that you can read the location of Most Holy Dollar on her shirt so we won't be posting those.

So M's mom and I dropped the kids off, made small talk with the other parents and got in our cars and drove away as fast as we could!! :). We went to breakfast and we did a little shopping. It was a half day so a little was all we could fit in today. It was so nice to be able to eat at a nice slow pace, not have to share a drink with anyone and better yet go in stores where you didn't have to worry about someone touching something they weren't supposed to. I think overall it was a good day for everyone.

Now if you will excuse me, we are off to Kinko's to make photo copies of the math packet we got at the end of the school year LAST year, that they told them today, they need to turn in tomorrow.(Ok, maybe the day is starting to go downhill) Thankfully we found ours (Yeah me for being a pack-rat, take that hubs!), but M needs a copy. I am hoping this is all for extra credit points, cause a little padding never hurts anyone! After Kinkos? We are going to come back home, cover books, fill out way more paper work than one little person can carry in a folder, whip out 7 pages of the above metioned math, whip up some fajitas for dinner, take showers, get our backpack ready, hit the hay so we can do all this all over again tomorrow, and the day after that and the day after that and the next day and the next day...... Is it friday yet?

Friday, August 11, 2006
  • My big toe hurts and I don't know why
  • If you were at a gas station last night claiming you ran out of gas and asked me for some change and I gave it to you, don't you think you should have at least said thank you?
  • Now what are we supposed to do when we would like a donut? Bummer.
  • How am I supposed to decide bewteen this pair and this pair?
  • Why does my 10 year old need 12 Black Chisel Tip Dry Erase Markers for school?
  • Will I have a surprise in my mailbox when I get home? I am waiting for a little friend who looks kinda like this.
  • Was there any doubt that the 2 "young adults" who were in the shop a few days ago, with matching hair like this drunk when they did it?

Who Can Blame Her?

This is the girl. This is apparently how she will be spending her last day of summer vacation.
Wish I was doing the same thing!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Fire That Producer!
I don't get it. Why oh why? Last night I plopped myself down on the big comfy couch to watch the Young & the Restless that my lovely new tivo was so kind to record and have available to me whenever I wanted!!! Anyway, so there I was on the edge of the couch waiting to see where it was Nick was off too, and would be able to save Sharon and, and, and,.... The clock on the bottom of the t.v. that the station puts on said 11:58. Right then, BREAKING.NEWS! The noon news was going to be on in less than 2 mins and they had to break in? Sure, I suppose the news was a little bit important (a construction worker had been stuck in parking garage under construction that partially colapsed), but they could not have waited a mere 2 more mins, do they not know this did to me? I HAD to complain for almost 2 hours about it. Imagine how long I would have complained had they cut in earlier... These are the days of my life... (He He I couldn't resist).

Tuesday, August 08, 2006
5th Grade Here She Comes

Its hard to believe that summer is almost over. 12 weeks sounds so long when you have to figure out where the kiddo will spend her days, get to all her extra activities, still have some fun and all that good stuff. 12 weeks doesn't sound long enough when there are only 5 more days that we get to sleep in and not be up with the sun. It is also hard to believe that "summer" is almost over when its still well above 100 degrees around these parts and it doesn't look like it is cooling off anytime soon. Regardless we are just about ready for Monday morning at 7:50 a.m. when that bell will sound and the perfect little children in their perfect little lines will march in to their new classrooms. Here is some proof that the Bug Shack has gotten almost everything its needs for the new year.

We have in exhibit A- New Lunchbox with matching water bottle
Exhibit B- New Backpack on wheels, which is important as there are days that it seems it weighs more than she does
Exhibit C- Clean Uniforms (laying on the messy bed because they couldn't be seen in the messy closet, but at least they are on hangers)
Exhibit D- New Kicks (FYI- I am the meanest mom in the world because I won't let her wear them until the first day of school).

Tomorrow afternoon we are off to meet her teacher, who we really already know, but I suppose you gotta play the game :).

Monday, August 07, 2006
Random Pictures

Spiderman and Bat Woman - Duh!
2. R. in his floaty
3. Self Portrait, only one chin! Not too shabby!
4. The girl, the fish that she is.

New Specks

Here she is before and after. The after picture is not so great.

Ok, here is after and before. I can never get the pictures to load in order. Guess I will have to work on that one.

Sunday, August 06, 2006
A day early in the week I called the Hubs at work and asked him if I made Katie an appointment at the eye doctor on Saturday if he would be able to take her. He said "Sure, No problem". I was quick to tell him, all he had to do was take her to the appointment and then I would take her back one night after work and pick out new glasses if need be.

So, yesterday they called me at work from the mall.

Hubs: Um, do you want to pay the extra $30.00 for the insurance on her glasses?
Me: WHAT?? You helped her pick out new frames?
Hubs: Well, we were just going to look so she could think about what she wanted, then the lady asked if we needed help, and now they will be ready in an hour.
Me: WHAT? You let her pick out new frames?
Hubs: Well she said they are what she wanted.
Me: Are you sure they are what she wants? Did you ask her 642 times to make sure because she is going to have to wear them for a year. Does she know this? Is she sure these are the ones she wants?
Hubs: Yeah I guess.

We try really hard to let her make her own choices (within reason) and teach her that she has to live with the decisions that she makes. The more I thought about it, the more I realized it wasn't that I didn't get to help her pick out her new glasses, it was that she didn't NEED me to help her pick out her new glasses.

My baby, is no longer a baby.

We are off to the mall to pick up the new glasses now. Pictures to follow when we get home.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Mending Fences
Do you ever wonder about that old friend that you never hear from any more? You know the that goes way back with you? I have a few that for whatever reason we have just kinda let each other slip through the cracks. Because of recent events, some I have blogged about and some I have not, but am working on, I have decided to *try* and be the bigger person and get back in touch with these 2 people. One, I sent an email to last week. I have still not heard from her, but at least I know I have tried. The second, I am working on an email to send her. I am determined to at least try and regain some contact with these friends. Its a 50 / 50 shot I will hit the send button and see how the old gang is doing.

There is a sadness in my heart today. Someone in the computer who I have never meet in person, but considered a true friend, has passed away. In this day and age, you never know who is out there or if you can let your guard down. I truly believe he was exactly who he said he was. I talked to his wife this afternoon, she said he was ready to go and it was what he wanted. God speed my friend. Fly with the eagles. You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten. Next time the thunder rolls, I will know it is you saying hello. Good bye my friend.

Fairy Tale
Once apon a time....

A girl wore her underwear to work inside out.

The End.

Once apon a time was yesterday.

That girl was ME!


Sometimes I am just an idiot. In my own defense they are the kind with no paper label and they were a dark color with dark letters. Hopefully today will be a better day:).

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker