I don't get it. Why oh why? Last night I plopped myself down on the big comfy couch to watch the Young & the Restless that my lovely new tivo was so kind to record and have available to me whenever I wanted!!! Anyway, so there I was on the edge of the couch waiting to see where it was Nick was off too, and would be able to save Sharon and, and, and,.... The clock on the bottom of the t.v. that the station puts on said 11:58. Right then, BREAKING.NEWS! The noon news was going to be on in less than 2 mins and they had to break in? Sure, I suppose the news was a little bit important (a construction worker had been stuck in parking garage under construction that partially colapsed), but they could not have waited a mere 2 more mins, do they not know this did to me? I HAD to complain for almost 2 hours about it. Imagine how long I would have complained had they cut in earlier... These are the days of my life... (He He I couldn't resist).
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

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