Its hard to believe that summer is almost over. 12 weeks sounds so long when you have to figure out where the kiddo will spend her days, get to all her extra activities, still have some fun and all that good stuff. 12 weeks doesn't sound long enough when there are only 5 more days that we get to sleep in and not be up with the sun. It is also hard to believe that "summer" is almost over when its still well above 100 degrees around these parts and it doesn't look like it is cooling off anytime soon. Regardless we are just about ready for Monday morning at 7:50 a.m. when that bell will sound and the perfect little children in their perfect little lines will march in to their new classrooms. Here is some proof that the Bug Shack has gotten almost everything its needs for the new year.
We have in exhibit A- New Lunchbox with matching water bottle
Exhibit B- New Backpack on wheels, which is important as there are days that it seems it weighs more than she does
Exhibit C- Clean Uniforms (laying on the messy bed because they couldn't be seen in the messy closet, but at least they are on hangers)
Exhibit D- New Kicks (FYI- I am the meanest mom in the world because I won't let her wear them until the first day of school).
Tomorrow afternoon we are off to meet her teacher, who we really already know, but I suppose you gotta play the game :).
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