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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Sweet Summer Is Here
It is official here at Casa de Bug... Its Summer! There are bathing suits and goggles and towels that can never be found when you need them (I don't have a problem seeing them lay in the middle of the floor right where someone left them, I don't know why they can't seem to see them). There are extra little bodies strewn across my couch as we had the FIRST! summer sleep over at our house. There will be many more to come. I don't mind as long as they are quiet when I am ready to go to bed.
We have a busy rest of the week, tonight we are going to dinner with a friend for her birthday. Happy Birthday Carrie! Tomorrow night I have a meeting, but it should be a semi-fun one if that is possible for a meeting. Friday night I will pack our bags and we will get up early Saturday morning and return to my stompin grounds of many moons ago to attend a wedding of some dear friends. I am extremely excited! Here's to hoping you all have something to look foward to this weekend.

Monday, May 29, 2006
Nice Day For A Ride

Yesterday we got up at 5:00 (gulp) a.m. to head north for a ride. It was even chilly when we got there. We rode for 3 hours and had a great time. We saw 4 or 5 of these guys . We always see jackrabbits, quail and cows but it was the first time for the javalina. Hubs was leading and one was standing on the trail as he rode up, that one ran up the mountain and 3 or 4 more ran after the first one. I caught up and saw the last two running up the mountain. Here are a few other pictures from the day. The camera was under my seat on my quad so we didn't get pictures of the "wild animals".

Friday, May 26, 2006
Proud Mama
Today is the day I have been. waiting. for! The last day of school. Katie doesn't go to the local public school so we have about a 20 min drive everyday. School starts at 7:50, so allowing for traffic and such we usually leave the house about 7:05-7:10. Which means we are up about 5:30. But now? We can SLEEP IN! I don't have to be to work until 10 everyday (I know, I'm spoiled) so now that its summer we can leave the house as late at 9:20, drop her off at the sitter and be to work by 9:59. Which in itself means we can sleep as late as oh 8:45ish. Life is good :).

Highlights from 4th grade:

  • Katie had an awesome teacher
  • Katie had perfect attendance again this year (3 in a row now, WOW!)
  • Katie had an "A" average in all but 2 classes.
  • The 4th grade class volunteered over 100 hours at our local St. Vincent de Paul
  • They also helped raise over $1,300.00 IN PENNIES for the local firestation to give away to needy families at Christmas time.

I am very proud of all of the kids in her class, they are a great group of kids that I hope continue to make all of us proud in the coming year.

Its hard to believe that another school year has come and gone. The kindergarten kids look so little but it seems like just yesterday I was the one wiping the tears from my eyes as I dropped my baby off for the first time. It won't be long before I am dropping her off again and she is running off to catch up with her friends and look to see what class she is going to be in.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Mean Girl

This is Jorden. She is crabby. Here she is laying on both dogs beds so that Magoo can't lay next to her.

Moral of the Story
Today at work as woman came in and she had her dog with her. She sat down on the floor to look at some things and Rudy as I heard her call the dog sat right next to her. We have dogs come in occasionally so we have a box of milk bones for our furry friends. I asked the woman if Rudy could have a cookie, when she said "Yes" I gave him one. Rudy didn't want to eat the cookie but didn't want anyone else to have it either. Everytime someone (a person) walked by, Rudy would show his teeth and growl. Pretty darn cute considering Rudy was all of a 5 lbs. Lesson learned from this? Stand up for yourself, fight for what is yours and for what you believe in no matter how much bigger the other guy may be.

Monday, May 22, 2006
Good Stuff
This is funny. Make sure you have the volume turned up. http://gorillamask.net/evdance.shtml

Saturday, May 20, 2006
Hot Stuff....
Thursday night I had a late meeting so I picked kiddo up from school, went and met the hubs for a quick dinner and to do the great kiddo switch. I guess when hubs and kiddo got home it was hotter than , well you know where, in our house. When I got home the dogs were spralled out flat on the tile floor, every ceiling fan in the house was on full speed and hubs and kiddo looked like they had just run a marathon. It definately was cooler outside than inside. The kicker to this story? We just had someone out last weekend to "check" the air conditioning unit so this very thing Would. Not. Happen. The company who came last weekend? Yeah, they were way too busy to come out again until the middle of next week. Hello, its 105 out, not thinking that is going to work for us. They also reminded us that what ever the problem was it had nothing to do with what they did when they were here and they would not take responsiblity. (Gosh, do you think maybe you should look at it before you make a comment like that?). The people who did come out? Were here within 2 hours, had it fixed and blowing cold air again within about 45 mins. Those first people? They will be receiving a nasty phone call Monday morning. The second people- we will use again and again and we will tell our friends about them. I am happy to report that we are enjoying a cool 75 degrees in our cozy little shack today.

Friday, May 19, 2006
Go Go Juice
You know what really gets me? When I go to the gas station to fill up my big-ol truck and they can only authorize my debit card for $50.00 at time. I don't know about where y'all live, but way out west, gas is (at the cheapest) $3.09 a gallon. My truck? Holds 26 gallons of gas. 26 x 3= $78.00. So the $50.00 of my own hard earned money they allow me spend really only gives me just over a half a tank. Its a big enough pain in the ass to have to insert my card in the first place to get the pump to read it correctly, do they really think I want to do it again? If they have to pre-authorize your card can't they see that you have more than $50.00 in your account?? Besides that, who can fill up their gas tank for $50.00 these days? Maybe someone who drives a Geo Metro.....

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
PiPi's - YUM!

Just a few pictures from our recent (that seems like a life time ago) trip to Puerta Vallarta. Going soon yourself? Make sure that you make sure that you eat at PiPi's. All of our taxi drivers knew right where it was. The food was fabulous and with a slogan like "Don't drink the Water, Drink the Margarita's" how can you go wrong.

Monday, May 15, 2006
Kiddo plays soccer. She has played the last 7 years. You would think she would know by now what a soccer ball looks like. Last week at school they were playing soccer at lunch time. Kiddo went to kick the ball and some how managed to kick a railroad tie type wooden log. By the time I picked her up about 4:30 she was really limping and complaining that her toe hurt. I told her to take her shoe off so I could look. Her foot instantly swelled up to about the size of a football. I called Hubs on the phone and told him we were on our way to Urgent Care and to meet us there when he could. I, with my MD from none other that Dr. Goo*gle himself, was sure that she had broken her toe. After a rather short wait (2 hours is short for an after hour place here, I promise) , a $50.00 co-pay, x-rays of both feet, and a very stylish walking boot type shoe on our way we went. The doctor on call doesn't think her toe is broken. He is concerned that she has fractured the growth plate in her foot. Of course the x-rays need to be sent to a specialist to be read for us to be sure. I was so hoping I was wrong with my diagnosis of the broken toe, now, I wish that was all that it was. We should hear from the radiologist tomorrow.

Half of Half is um...
I work at a little mom and pop type store and we get all kinds of customers. We have those such as Frank, who lives in the local park, to this guy. One time even he stopped by.
Most of the time though, we get your average middle class person. For the last few weeks we have been having a sale. There are signs all over the store stating that things are 50% off. I am the first to admit that kiddo's 4th grade math kicked my butt this year, but even I know that 50% is half. Why is it so hard to figure this out. (Please note I am sure the above mentioned rock star and funny guy could figure this out, they were just used as an example that we get a wide variety of people). The other part that gets me is that people come in and see that lotsof things are 50% off and still don't buy anything. Am I the only sucker that sees a SALE sign and buys something because I *think* it might be a good deal.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Want a Pretty Blog?
I know you are thinking "Wow! What a great looking blog". Want yours to look cool too? Click on over and see Zoot .
She has got some great designs that are FREE! Yes, you heard me correctly FREE! If you decide to use one be nice enough to drop some change in her tip jar. If you are like me and have no idea how to add a design to your blog she is nice enough to help you with that also for a very small amount of money. Thanks again Miss Zoot- I love it.

(Even if you don't need a blog makeover click on over and check out her cute baby!).

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
How Is It?
How is it that when you buy your kiddo a $55.00 concert ticket they fall asleep with 10,000 screaming fans and music that is on the verge of bursting your eardrum but when they have been dead asleep in their bed for 2 hours and you decide then to eat a cupcake they get up because they "can hear you" and they are hungry.

Saturday, May 06, 2006
The Boy I Never Had
Today at 1:00 our daughter will be confirmed. We told her it was her day and she could choose to do what she wanted. She wanted a frilly girly dress, she needed a pedicure, and wants her hair just so. She can't wait to have her picture taken with all her friends dressed to the 9's as well. We asked her what she wanted to do after. As I suggested a nice dinner at a resturant of her choice, a commericial came on the tv. You wanna know what it was for? Monster Trucks. Guess when they will be here? Yup tonight. So guess where we are going. Yup, MonsterTrucks. Not what I had in mind, but its her day and if she wants to go from curls and bows to jeans and a baseball cap who am I to stop her.

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker