Thursday night I had a late meeting so I picked kiddo up from school, went and met the hubs for a quick dinner and to do the great kiddo switch. I guess when hubs and kiddo got home it was hotter than , well you know where, in our house. When I got home the dogs were spralled out flat on the tile floor, every ceiling fan in the house was on full speed and hubs and kiddo looked like they had just run a marathon. It definately was cooler outside than inside. The kicker to this story? We just had someone out last weekend to "check" the air conditioning unit so this very thing Would. Not. Happen. The company who came last weekend? Yeah, they were way too busy to come out again until the middle of next week. Hello, its 105 out, not thinking that is going to work for us. They also reminded us that what ever the problem was it had nothing to do with what they did when they were here and they would not take responsiblity. (Gosh, do you think maybe you should look at it before you make a comment like that?). The people who did come out? Were here within 2 hours, had it fixed and blowing cold air again within about 45 mins. Those first people? They will be receiving a nasty phone call Monday morning. The second people- we will use again and again and we will tell our friends about them. I am happy to report that we are enjoying a cool 75 degrees in our cozy little shack today.
Saturday, May 20, 2006

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