Kiddo plays soccer. She has played the last 7 years. You would think she would know by now what a soccer ball looks like. Last week at school they were playing soccer at lunch time. Kiddo went to kick the ball and some how managed to kick a railroad tie type wooden log. By the time I picked her up about 4:30 she was really limping and complaining that her toe hurt. I told her to take her shoe off so I could look. Her foot instantly swelled up to about the size of a football. I called Hubs on the phone and told him we were on our way to Urgent Care and to meet us there when he could. I, with my MD from none other that Dr. Goo*gle himself, was sure that she had broken her toe. After a rather short wait (2 hours is short for an after hour place here, I promise) , a $50.00 co-pay, x-rays of both feet, and a very stylish walking boot type shoe on our way we went. The doctor on call doesn't think her toe is broken. He is concerned that she has fractured the growth plate in her foot. Of course the x-rays need to be sent to a specialist to be read for us to be sure. I was so hoping I was wrong with my diagnosis of the broken toe, now, I wish that was all that it was. We should hear from the radiologist tomorrow.
Monday, May 15, 2006

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