You know what really gets me? When I go to the gas station to fill up my big-ol truck and they can only authorize my debit card for $50.00 at time. I don't know about where y'all live, but way out west, gas is (at the cheapest) $3.09 a gallon. My truck? Holds 26 gallons of gas. 26 x 3= $78.00. So the $50.00 of my own hard earned money they allow me spend really only gives me just over a half a tank. Its a big enough pain in the ass to have to insert my card in the first place to get the pump to read it correctly, do they really think I want to do it again? If they have to pre-authorize your card can't they see that you have more than $50.00 in your account?? Besides that, who can fill up their gas tank for $50.00 these days? Maybe someone who drives a Geo Metro.....
Friday, May 19, 2006

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