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Saturday, June 24, 2006
Were Off....
I had every intention of writting a nice long post before we left for PoDunk. Well we are leaving in 9 hours , I still have 6 loads of laundry to do, 3 suitcases to pack, and one fridge to clean out (which I don't think has really been done since we went to Mexico in April).

The tease from the last post is still coming - it will be special I promise but want it to be just right so its still in the works....

Katie was so excited that she asked if she could just stay up all night, I told her sure! Currently she is in her bed sound asleep and has been for almost an hour now! The highlight of the trip for her? The place she loves to go the most? The Dump. Yup. No need to reread that, you saw it correctly. The. D.U.M.P. Thank you Uncle Doug!!

Until next time.....

Me and the Bug

Thursday, June 22, 2006
The Countdown Is On!
Po-Dunk here we come! We are so excited and can't wait for Sunday to get here! I talked to my Grandma yesterday and told her we were coming to visit, but would only be able to come to her house for one day. (She lives 5 hours from where we are staying and no other family lives there). She immediately told me "That doesn't make me happy". Now? I feel terrible. Deep down I know I need to consider that she will be 90 this year and there will not be many more trips to E. 17th Street. I guess we will just have to make the best of it, she will be happy to see us as we will be happy to see her. Guilt is in my opinion the worst emotion of all. It sucks.

Anyway we are very excited about Po-Dunk and better get busy around here so we are ready to go come Sunday morning at the crack of dawn!

**** I finally told someone, something that we have been considering for awhile around the Bug Shack. It deserves a better post than just a few lines at the bottom of another. I just wanted to add this so I can remember the date! I will work on the other news and hopefully have it the way I want it before we go so I can post it here. Internet service in Po-Dunk is *GASP* Dial-Up at best and rather spotty so I am not sure how often we will check in!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
What's Down There?

This is Bailey and Brittany! I don't know that they have ever done this before.... maybe they were looking for a kitty or watching the neighbors swim? Good thing their "Mom" had her camera handy.

Saturday, June 17, 2006
20/20 or 100/20?
Sometimes things are not what they appear to be. Have you ever ordered a Big Mac or a Whopper and had it look like it does on t.v.? The other night on our way home from The Icee Store (Target to all you not in the kid loop) we decided to get some ice cream. S0nic was the closest place that was still open. I though Oh, I can try that new chocolate and caramel banana split it looks so good on t.v. (That should have been my clue). The car hop rolled over on her in-line skates to hand Hubs the order. He started laughing so hard he had tears rolling down his face. I kid you not the container was about 2 inches long with about 5 bites of ice cream in it. Katie said "They call it a Junior Banana Split Mom"! I told her I knew but it still looked WAY bigger in the commericals. It was a good laugh then and appears that it will be for quite some time as every time since then we have driven by a S0nic they feel the need to bring it up again. :)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
No Faster Hu?

Last weekend when we were coming home from the wedding we took the back road home. It is a one lane road for 95% of the 100 or so miles that it is. It twists and turns through the mountains and is very dusty and bumpy. Driving along we saw this and had to take a picture. As you can see it is in a heavily wooded area. Someone out there has a sense of humor.

I am 100% a creature of habit. I take the same path to where ever it is I am going every time I go. I shop at the same grocery store every time, even though there are 2 closer to my house. When I take a shower, I always wash my hair first. So my question is what are some of the things you ALWAYS do or always buy. Here is a list of the ones I can think of right now.

  • Pepsi, if a resturant has Coke, I will order water instead
  • Hidden Valley Ranch
  • Kraft Macaroni and Cheese , only the blue box will do
  • Chevy, Not the F word!
  • Tide Laudry Soap, for a long time I would only use the powder, I will also sometimes use liquid now
  • Bounce Dryer Sheets
  • Purina One Dog Food, although they would eat anything you put in front of them I think, although I don't know this for a fact, as I always but them the same kind
  • Always Always Always the same shampoo and conditioner even though it is expensive and most likely a waste of money
  • I always park in the same parking space at work and it bothers me all day if someone else is parked there
  • We always sit in the same seats at the dinner table, and on the couch
  • I park on the same side of the driveway even if I am the first one home and can pick which side I want
  • When we go out to eat, I always order the same thing at whatever resturant we are at
  • We have the same cell phones so we also have the same chargers, I can only use "mine"
  • Crest Toothpaste
  • Target, No Wally World for us
  • Costco for film developing
  • The worst one of all, I will NOT NOT NOT walk over any metal cover on the ground. Even if it is only 6 inch round. Because I do this? My daughter is the same way. If I were on Fear Factor and did all the gross stuff to get to the last stunt and I had to walk across one for the $$, I would walk away.
Those are all I can think of at this very moment, but am sure I can come up with a bunch more.
So tell me are you the same way about things?

Thursday, June 08, 2006
When Dreams Come True

Sometimes there are just not enough words to describe an event. Last night was one of those times. Our friend came home after being away for work for 4 months. It has been very hard on him and his family. We went to the airport to surprise him and brought his 2 year old with us. Little Mister didn't understand at first and then the plane was delayed so I am sure when we all kept saying "Daddy Is Coming" he wasn't sure if he should believe us or not. When he finally did land and we saw him coming we were all in tears (I am in tears now just thinking about it all over again!). Little Mister saw him and just didn't know what to do. I finally had to take the sign he was holding out of his hands and tell him to go to daddy. Words can not describe the utter bliss that I think they both felt. There was a lady standing off to the side of where we were standing who was also crying she was so touched by the moment. Welcome Home Friend, we have missed you and could not be more proud of you!

Monday, June 05, 2006
More Pictures (Hopefully)

I couldn't get any pictures to post, now it wants to attach them all 3 times it looks like.. CRAZY! Anyway, maybe I will come back later and try to fix it and post pictures from the rest of our trip that wasn't wedding related:).

(Pictures are the Kiddo, my best friend and I with yummy fuzzy navels, and me and Hubs)

Two Have Become One

We made it home... The wedding was fabulous, the reception a ton of fun and C & J never looked happier! J's son was the best man and C's sister was her Maid of Honor, both are 12. They both wrote their own toasts that had just about everyone in the room in tears, it was wonderful.

Pictures aren't loading very well so I will try some others on another post.

Saturday, June 03, 2006
Who Said Summer Was Sweet?
What was I thinking? Looking foward to summer and how great and wonderful it was blah blah blah... Yesterday it was 113 yuck. In a few hours we are heading north for the wedding. Normally it is 10 -15 degrees cooler where we are going. Today? It is supposed to be the hottest day on record there. The wedding?? IT. IS. OUTSIDE! I am hoping for the sake of those in a 20 pound wedding dress and those in 4 layers of tux that is cools off a bit. Regardless, it will be beautiful I am sure. J & C are both so happy I don't think it would matter if it were -20 below or 150 out, they have been waiting for this day for a long time!!

I am sure there will be a few pictures to follow... We will spend most of the day tomorrow hangin' around and seeing all the changes since the last time we were in Prescott. It is my second favorite place to visit!

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker