Sometimes things are not what they appear to be. Have you ever ordered a Big Mac or a Whopper and had it look like it does on t.v.? The other night on our way home from The Icee Store (Target to all you not in the kid loop) we decided to get some ice cream. S0nic was the closest place that was still open. I though Oh, I can try that new chocolate and caramel banana split it looks so good on t.v. (That should have been my clue). The car hop rolled over on her in-line skates to hand Hubs the order. He started laughing so hard he had tears rolling down his face. I kid you not the container was about 2 inches long with about 5 bites of ice cream in it. Katie said "They call it a Junior Banana Split Mom"! I told her I knew but it still looked WAY bigger in the commericals. It was a good laugh then and appears that it will be for quite some time as every time since then we have driven by a S0nic they feel the need to bring it up again. :)
Saturday, June 17, 2006

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