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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Me Worry? No, Never!
Last night after my nap on the couch and the hubs woke me up to go to bed, I couldn't get back to sleep. I tossed and turned for what seemed like a long time. I had myself all worked up and in quite the tizzy.

What was bothering me you ask? I was worried about what we would eat for dinner on our lay over at the airport. Yeah, we will be at the airport May 25th. Nothing like putting the cart before the horse hu?

I think it all started with dinner last night. We were having a gourmet meal of grilled cheese sandwiches. Hubs said he wanted 2 and the girl was eating her first one and asked for another. I told her as long as she would eat it, I would make it for her but if not that was the last of the bread and if you only thought she wanted it, I would eat it. The look she gave me was one of great concern. She wanted to know what I was going to eat if she had the last sandwich. I told her that I would find something else but that is just what Moms do, give up things for their kids without thinking twice. (I think she may have decided to become a nun right then and there, she is a bean pole but the thought of giving up food for someone else made her stop and think).

This got me to thinking about the time we went to PoDunk and flew in late and stayed in a hotel before driving to our home town. It was late and there was nothing close to our hotel to eat and was too late to order pizza (we were picking up our rental car the next morning). We were all pretty hungry and all I had in our carry-on was half a bag of beef jerky. I remember letting Hubs and K have it all knowing we would just get up early and have breakfast.

All of this in turn had my mind spinning. If we leave here at 2 its really 4 there, so that makes it 7 when we get there which is only 5 here yadda yadda yadda. So logically at 7 pm there will be plenty of things still open in the airport so we won't wither away to nothing in the 2 hours we are in the land of 10,000 Lakes.

I am off to eat an ice cream sandwich and start building up extra body fat between now and then, just in case ya know.

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