I am in one of those moods today that I just can't explain. Just kinda blah I guess. This has been a very busy week at the bug shack. Monday school started and we jumped right back into the swing of things and haven't slowed down since. I have had meeting two nights in a row which throws a twist into the logistics of everything. When I do have a meeting, I run and pick up the kiddo when I get off, drive like a mad woman over to hubs work to drop her off to him and then fly back to my meeting. Because of these two meeting I have had my head in the clouds when it comes to anything besides things pertaining to said meetings. I throw myself into these projects and I feel like I forget about everything else. Last night after I ran Katie up to her dad, I decided I had enough time to stop and grab a real quick bite to eat. Now, I absolutely HATE to stop and get something to eat when I am alone. I went against my better judgement and did it anyway. While I was sitting there I realized that I forgot a very important date in our lives. Yesteday was the hubs birthday and as I sat there chomping on a bread stick I thought Oh! In 2 more days it will mark the anniversary of 2 things at our house. Then I thought 17th, 18th, 19th! Oops, that isn't right, it is the 15th, so it was 2 days BEFORE not AFTER his birthday. I can't believe I had forgotten. I can't even say I thought about them and just put them out of my mind. (Chances are if I look at my calendar they are there in great big letters.) I flat out didn't even think about them once. I feel like a complete ass for it. So, happy 12 years to the hubs and I, and to my FIL who has now been gone 11 years- we miss you!
Friday, August 18, 2006

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