Sunday, January 28, 2007
My girl has been in rare form lately. Yesterday my MIL had a yard sale and we stopped over. ( To set the story up : We live in Arizona and have a large population of Hispanics). K was
standing on the driveway and a little girl was standing beside her and was speaking to her mother. The little girl said "Dos". My girl looked dead on at the mom without missing a beat and said "Um, she said Two".
It. was. hysterical.
I just stood there laughing like a goon. I am not sure that the woman could scoop her kid up and get out of there fast enough.
I guess the good thing is that Spanish class is paying off.
Labels: My Girl
Friday, January 26, 2007
As we were eating dinner tonight;
Girl says to us: I have a problem.
Hubs: What's that?
Girl: Three boys at school like me
Me: That's a problem?
Girl: Well, one is Joey and he takes his socks off in class. One is Billy and he is mean. The other is Mikey and he has no ball control.
The hubs spit his drink out his nose. It was all I could do not to laugh out loud. When we regained our composure I had to ask her what she meant.
Girl: You know when he plays soccer, he can't control his balls.
Mikey could be in big trouble if he doesn't learn to control his balls before he gets much older.
My girl, has set her standards high it seems.
*I am so going straight to He*ll for thinking this was funny.Labels: My Girl
Thursday, January 25, 2007
I am sitting at work trying to decide if I asked for the entire month of
Feburary off, if I would still have a job. My guess is a great big no.
I don't need the entire month off, it just feels that way. We will be gone every weekend in
February (don't worry, someone will be staying at the bug shack and have I ever mentioned my great big scary guard dogs?) and in addition to the weekends the hubs and I will be gone an entire week of the month as well. To enjoy these weekends to the fullest, some will require a Friday exit. I am tired just typing it, I am not sure how I will keep up with it all. I didn't even mention the meetings and all things kiddo.
Somewhere in there some family is coming to town. We will unfortunately miss them this time. Good thing we will see them in May (and looks like June) when we head back to our roots for a rip
roarin' family reunion.
Back to the matter at hand. I think I just asked for 9 days off, in a 28 day month. In a month where I only work 20 days. Math never was my strong point, but I don't think this is going to add up to much.
We also need to plan a birthday bash for the girl who will be double "ones" this year. Lets just not talk about that yet though K?
Labels: Fun Times, My Girl
Bud? Today he was back. He was looking in his pockets and through his wallet looking for his debit card. After a few minuets he said "Oh Betty, you make my chickens want to lay eggs"!
Darn it Betty, now don't go making his chickens lay eggs...
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
The girl's best friend is the oldest of 3 girls. M1 is 10, M2 is 7, and M3 is 5. Another friend of both of our families just got engaged and wanted M3 to be her flower girl.
Friend: M3, would you like to be the flower girl at my wedding? You will walk down the aisle with S, and carry a basket with flowers in it.
M3: I don't know....
Friend: You will get a pretty new dress to wear to the wedding
M3: Ok, I want to do it. I am sure M1 and M2 already have something in their closets they can wear.
She is too cute. Nothing like looking out for your sisters. Atta girl M3.
Labels: Friends
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Ever have one of those days where all your customers drove you ape shit and caused you to want to start drinking before lunch and not stopping until you just passed out?
Yeah, me either.
(I will be in the back room with the secret stash of vodka if anyone is looking for me, and I don't even like vodka!).
Labels: Shop Talk
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Our girl plays an after school sport at school. I have to say although it wasn't what she or I really expected, I don't feel I have much room to complain as I didn't volunteer to help with it and it is always easy for us on the side lines to judge.
The coach does definately have his favorites and all the girls know if they are a favorite and if they are not. I believe he is truly in it to win, so those who have played before seem to be higher on his list. My child has never played this sport before and in turn has done a great job warming the bench.
She is less than thrilled and wants to quit. I won't let her. I say she made the commitment, she must follow through with it.
They have a tournament this weekend and she is not happy. There is a rip roarin' sleep over birthday party tomorrow night that I told her she could go to for awhile and then I would come and pick her up so she could get some sleep. (She and J who's party it is have been known to stay up all night long on more than one sleep over). Had they not had a game she would have been able to stay for the entire party.
A few other parents are letting their kids stay over night and I know of at least one other bench warmer who will not be at the tournament at all because her mother thinks its a waste of time.
Its hard for me to make my child understand why it is important (at least to us) that when you make a commitment that you follow through, especially when she sees that her friends parents view things differently than I do. Its a life lesson that sometimes isn't always fun to learn.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Beth woke up on a much better side of the bed than I did. I was ready to blog and bitch and moan and maybe even complain a bit. Before I made it over here, I stopped
I read what Beth is
trying to do and right away my mood improved. It really is much easier to smile and be happy than it is to be pissy.
Please go and see what it is you can do to help. I just realized, if I skip St*rbucks the rest of the week, that is close to $20.00 I can use to make a
difference and it won't hurt me one little bit, it may even help keep the smile on my face.
Labels: Good People Doing Good Things
Monday, January 08, 2007
The hubs just told me that someone we knew died this morning. He was someone who the hubs was associated with through work. We have been on a few of our rewards trips with him and his wife. They were a fun, loving, party til the wee hours of the morning couple. Although I only see them once a year I still feel this emptiness. This sadness. We have a trip coming up. I was looking foward to it. Until now. It won't be the same. They are in all of our group photos. This years picture will not be complete, and it breaks my heart.
Gone in the blink of an eye. Please keep he and your family in your thoughts and prayers.
We have been seriously talking about relocating Casa De Bug as we seem to be outgrowing our humble little shack. We decided that we should start getting rid of stuff we no longer, want, need or use. (This is extremely difficult for moi as I am quite the packrat). Being the nice person that I am I decide I would start my quest for de-cluttering with the girls room and her playroom / computer room. There are 10! Yes, 10 big garbage bags full of clothes in the garage to be donated / given away/ sold at a yard sale type thing. After I tackled her dresser and closet I was feeling especially brave and decided I was going in the for the kill and cleaning out her desk. The desk has 9 drawers which were all packed full of absolute crap. I threw away every marker, pen and little scrap of paper. I also threw away every last crayon I could find. I decided buying a new box would just be easier. Famous last words.
Guess who needed crayons tonight to do her homework? Please excuse me now while I run to the store and eat a little crow.
Labels: Casa de Bug, Katers
Saturday, January 06, 2007
I am sitting here at work, wondering why it is I am sitting here. We are a small mom and pop (or pop and pop in our case) shop. Our little square mile-or-so area consists of only businesses that are just like us. Today we should be busier that all get out. The kind of day where you don't even have time to think about eating or going to the bathroom let alone actually getting to do it. Right now it is 2:10 and we have had less than a handful of customers and our total sales are not even near $100.00. Whats the problem? Its
Because of
THIS! and with the crowds they are expecting they have shut down the entire area. I had to beg someone to move a baracade this morning so I could get to work. (I also had to cut through a parking lot, an alley way and drive over one curb to get "close" to the shop). All of the streets are blocked off and if I was someone coming to shop down here I would have turned around and went home and come back another time.
I understand the city wanting to have a big party but Hello what about all us little people who have stores here and are here the other 364 days a year?
On average we should have sales in the $3000. -$5000. range on a day like today. Today I am not sure we will make enough money to pay for lunch.
The only good thing about today? At 3:00 I will be the first in line to get some of
Labels: Mar is Mad
Friday, January 05, 2007
In early December we starting carpooling. Well I am not sure you call it carpooling, as I am the only one who picks up and drives. In early December we started picking up Annie who goes to the same school as our girl.
Annie's parents just went through a divorce and mom moved farther away from school and needed help getting Annie to school on the days she was with her and not with her dad. So, Annie's mom went through the school address book to find someone who lived close to where she was moving. Dang my luck, we are about 5 mins away from them. She called and talked to the hubs one night (any other time I can't get him to answer the phone wouldn't ya know) explained the situation and he told her I would call her back.
When I first agreed to this, with much hesitation, the deal was she would drop Annie off at our house by 7:00 and we would be on our way. Well before the first time I picked her up she changed her mind and wanted to know if we could meet her in the parking lot across the street from her work (we do go right by here on our way), that way *she* wouldn't have to go out of her way. GAW! I was hesitant to agree to this but decided I could live on the edge and break out of my habitual ways and make 2 extra left hand turns in the morning.
In the 3 weeks before the kids got out for break, there was only one morning that they got to the parking lot before us. So Wednesday when I should have been at work, but decided to play hookie and take my kid to the mall we saw Annie's mom. She asked "Are we on for the morning??" I said "Sure, see you then".
That brings us to Thursday morning. We are supposed to meet at 7:10. At 7:16 my cell phone rang and lets guess who it was. Annie's mom was calling to tell me that they were just leaving their house and would be at least 5 more mins. (My guess would have been closer to 10 with traffic and where they actually live) so if we wanted we could go ahead and she would just take Annie to school. I was a little miffed to say the least. I hung up the phone on her. (It was not the nicest thing to do, but had I stayed on the phone who knows what would have come out of my smart mouth). You didn't know at say 7:00 or even 7:10 when you were supposed to be there that you were running late?
So this morning, I was running around like chicken with my head cut off and yelling at the girl to move it, move it, move it so we wouldn't be late. We were there at 7:10 on the dot. At 7:15 they pulled up. Annie's mom said "Have you been waiting long?". I said "Only since 7:10". She started in with how sorry she was, I said "Save it", helped Annie in the truck and off we went.
Most of the time I am more than willing to help someone out, because you never know when you will need someone to help you. But this? I.just.don' I can walk the walk, but sometimes I just can't talk the talk. Anyone going Annie's way in the mornings?
Labels: Mar is Mad
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Couldn't get them to upload using Blogger so we will use the old standby Flickr!! Click on the photo to see more.
We had a great time in the Lone Star State! I think surrounded by the friends we were with we could have had fun in a cardboard box though.
Here is a recap...
- The lines at the airport we CRAZY! It was a good thing we left when the hubs wanted to and not when I thought we should. We barely made our flight (and we short cut in line, shhh) and we were there 2 hours before.
- Little Mister was waiting for us at the airport and yelled "Auntie Mar" at the top of his lungs when he saw me!
- Little Mister's daddy learned the difference bewteen a "cargo" and a "passenger" van.
- With all of us piled into the van all weekend we felt just like this family. We called each other So and So Duggar all weekend.
- The big boys were like kids on Christmas morning when they found out they could buy fireworks. (They are illegal here). Wanna guess how long it takes to light and shoot off $350.00 worth of fireworks?
- Before the kids exchanged gifts Little Mister and Katie were playing on the floor and LM started to spill the beans. I quickly clapped my hand over his mouth so he wouldn't tell. When I pulled my hand away he said "I was just going to tell you that I loved you".
- Baby Brother wasn't feeling well and was having a hard time sleeping through the night. Once when I got up with him and brought him back to the pull out sofa where hubs and I were sleeping. I kinda dozed off and when I looked over Baby Brother was rubbing hubs head over and over. It melted my heart.
- It didn't snow while were there, but boy was it cold! We are such wimps.
- Lesson learned: We should have taken the bump at the airport coming home and had free tickets to go back again. Next time, next time!
All in all, it was a great time had by all. We sure do miss our friends and can't wait to see them again.
Pictures are coming!
Labels: Friends, Little Mister