Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Last weekend was quite busy here at work. Listening to people talk, its almost as fun as watching people at the airport. Here are a few of my favorite things overheard.
Christmas music was playing on the radio, the song Feliz Navidad came on. This woman starting singing along. Instead of Navidad she was singing Da Di Da. Feliz Da Di Da. Her son (who was probably 30sih) tried to correct her. It was pretty funny listening to them argue over the words.
An older gentleman came in with his wife and he was trying to remember if our store was a jewelry store at one time. I said that it was and pointed in the direction that the big safe used to be. He looked at his wife, and then looked at me and told me that the jewelry store was where he bought her wedding ring 47 years ago. Good stuff.
A young couple was in with their 2 or 3 year old daughter. As they were paying they were trying to decide if they should use cash or a credit card. The wife said keep your money , I will put it on my card but then you have to buy me a corn dog. (There were lots of different food venders set up for an occasion they have every year here). When they finished up the mom said to the little girl "Lets go and get a corn dog". The little girl said "I don't really want a corn dog, do they have a casserole?". Does it get any cuter? My child would not eat a corn dog either but hell if she would ever ask for a casserole!
Labels: Shop Talk
Monday, November 27, 2006
I was just sitting here reading some of my favorite blogs thinking that this is turning out to be a boring day. Next thing I know I hear "Hands on your head". I look (ok, I go) outside and I count 10 police cars and an officer is yelling at a small group of people walking on the sidewalk to "Get into that (my) store". I kid you not. They had their guns drawn! I counted 3 shot guns and several pistols. (I stood in the breezeway watching not quite following directions). They got two men out of a truck and put them in handcuffs. They then surrounded the truck guns fully drawn still and pulled a baby in a car seat out. (I could not make this stuff if I tried, promise!). The baby was screaming like I have never heard a baby scream before. Poor little thing was soooo upset. Next thing we see one of the officers pick the baby up and let one of the men talk to the baby and give him a kiss. WTF?!?!?
As I stood there talking to one of the people from the sidewalk about all different scenarios we could think of they take the handcuffs off of the men???? Next thing I know they are shaking hands with the men and slapping them on the back. Again, WTF?? The guy I was talking to said he wished he was a lawyer at that point. A police officer walked over to tell us what happened. One of the guys owned the truck and at one point it was stolen and the DMV failed to fix it in the system when it was recovered. So, the plate came up as stolen, long story short.
After it was all said and done I thought that was alot of hype for it being nothing. Now that said, I am thankful they were doing their jobs and being safe rather than sorry . Why not try and pull them over and see what happens from there? (The police station is less than a half a block away and I am sure backups could have been there ASAP). I am sure they would have been happy to put their hands on the steering wheel and explained the situation. A little excitement to help pass the afternoon I guess.
The baby was happily toddling around the parking lot when it was all said and done. Can you imagine going home and someone asking you how your day was if you were one of those guys? Or the story to put in the baby book?
Labels: Shop Talk, Wow
This morning I had to use Strawberry Shortcake toothpaste. Seems the tube that hubby used up was the very. last. bit. of toothpaste we had in the house other than the stuff the girl uses. I dug through every drawer and cabinet, every little bag we have ever taken on a trip hoping there was a travel tube I could squeeze a dab out of. No such luck.
I can't believe they sell that nasty stuff or that any little kid would like to use it. GAH! I wish I would have remembered then I could have used baking soda. Although that may not have been any better than the other stuff... Guess its time for a Target trip this morning.
Labels: Poor Me
Saturday, November 25, 2006
My main reason I don't go shopping the day after Thanksgiving, is I am way to lazy to get out of my nice warm bed. I also don't enjoy pushing my way through the hoards of people. There is not a single thing out there that I think we "need" badly enough to wait in line for hours on end and fight with people to get. I will wait the extra couple of days and just pay a little more.
This year all the grandmas were out of town and we needed a back up to watch the girl since the hubs and I were both working the day after this year. A friend said she would watch her for us, but... (oh that dreaded but) she was getting up early to go shopping. Since we were kinda going up stream without a paddle I told her I would call her when I was leaving the house, find out where it was she shopping and come and drop the girl off to her as to not change her plans.
I called and she was heading to a store by the mall, I said I thought it would take us about the same amount of time to get there so I would call her when I got there and maybe I could just drop the girl off without having to park the truck and fight for a parking place. Ahh! What a great plan! I pulled into the parking lot and was heading to where my friend was standing. That is when it happened. Confirmation to yet again why we don't go shopping on Black Friday. I was waiting patiently to pull foward, apparently another person was out of patience tried to make a left turn down an aisle and side swipped me. I yelled some naughty words and got out of the truck. The other guy jumped out of his truck said doesn't look like any damage! I said I was going to move my truck and then we would look. Yeah, he drove off, or so I thought. (My friend did get his plate number thankfully). I drove up and down a few aisles and didn't see him. By this time my blood pressure was through the roof. As I was pulling out of the parking I saw him.
I rolled down the window and asked him what it was he was doing. I am sure it didn't sound very nice and he tells me "Don't be mad at me". Hello dude. It was your fault who should I be mad at??? I moved my truck to block him in so he would have to talk to me. Turns he cracked my tail light but did quite a bit of damage to his truck. My bumper was a little stronger than the side of his truck. Ouch! I told him I knew the police wouldn't come (private property) but if he would just give me his phone number I would find out how much a new tail light cost and we wouldn't have to go through his insurance (I thought that was very nice on me considering).
A new tail light is $138.00. It is $138.00 if you don't have an in with the car dealership. With the discount we will come away with about $50-$60 in our pocket. I am taking that money and going shopping. I guess its kind of a vicious circle isn't it??
Labels: Poor Me
MEAG IS GETTING MARRIED!! WOOT WOOT! He popped the question on Turkey Day at the dinner table with lots of our family sitting right there! Brave man :). I couldn't be happier for them and can't wait for their big day.
Labels: Family, Happy Times
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

We did the dishes.

We did the laundry.

We fought over toys.

We showed Flat Stanley a fabulous time.

And best of all, the gang was all together again!
Labels: Friends
14 years. That is how long it has been that we have had double duty for Thanksgiving. But this year? All of the grandma's and grandpa's are out of town. I am not sure we will know what to do with ourselves!
The girl wanted to know if we could go to Taco Bell to eat. Smart kid that girl of mine.
We will miss our family.
We are thankful though that we will be spending the day as a family of 3. One of us eating nachos, one of us spending all day long in pajamas and one of us putting the Christmas light on the house.
Labels: Family, Happy Times, Holidays
Monday, November 20, 2006
I just finished a post that has taken me almost all day to write. Not because it was well written or full of charm. Its these darn customers who want help and don't understand the importance of said blogging....
So, we will try again. The weekend away was a great time had by all. Well everyone who was away that is. The girl was sick all weekend and hubs spent several hours cleaning up puke late into the night and into the wee hours of the morning. Why is it when they get sick its always the middle of the night??
I called Saturday morning to check on the happenings at Casa de Bug and worried the rest of the time about the girl. See, she is just a little whipper snapper of a thing and really can't afford to be sick in a way that causes her not to eat. Last month we hit the mile stone of 70 pounds! Yes, 70 pounds. Her doctor and I gave each other a high five and did a little happy dance. My guess is she probably lost 2-3 pounds while she was sick. Hopefully all the holiday goodies will help gain some of the weight back. I wish I had the same problem :).
Labels: Casa de Bug, The Girl
Friday, November 17, 2006
Why is it when you have someplace you really really really want to go the clock moves soooo slowly. I can hear my mother now "Mar, a watched pot never boils". Uugh!!
The girl was being a real pickle head this morning. This is what she does when I go away. I think it is her own little silent revenge. I know you are wondering where she got this nice little stubborn streak. I can hear my mother now "Mar, the apple doesn't fall from the tree". Uugh!!
The dogs saw the suitcase this morning (Yeah, so what I am now taking a suitcase rather than a carry on) and gave me the cold shoulder. They glared at me like they were angry with me. I can hear my mother now "Mar, dogs get mad, people get angry". Uugh!!
An hour to go. I think I can make it. I am off for a last check of my favorite blogs and email. They don't have high speed internet in the armpit of the world I am visiting. Boss man's friend asked where I was going and when he told her she said "Who would want to go there?". I do dammit and I want to go NOW!!!
Labels: Friends, Vacation
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Tomorrow night I am hopping a plane to go and visit Little Mister. It will be a short trip, but a trip to see him and his fine family none the less. They moved the first part of October and boy does it seem like it has been a lifetime ago. I tried several times to post about them moving and I just couldn't find the right words. Lets just say there were lots of tears from Little Mister's Momma and I the day that they moved. He was quite proud of himself that he was not crying and pronounced himself a "Big Boy". When I bought my tickets about a month ago I called to tell momma I was coming. Little Mister was nice enough to talk to me on the phone that day. I said "I am going to come to your new house and see you". He said "Your not going to be a cry baby again are you?". 3 is such a cute age.
Baby brother is growing by leaps and bounds from what I hear from his momma and in the pictures she sends. He is crawling and pulling himself up on furniture. Stop I say. Just stop. I am going to be brokenhearted if he plays shy and doesn't remember me.
We have a fun filled function at school this evening so I packed my bag last night. I started with the few things I have gotten for the boys. Here a pile, there a pile. The suitcase was full before I ever even got anything of mine in it. Maybe just a carry-on isn't going to work so well for me. I told the hubs, you know its love when I made sure all their stuff was in the suitcase before I ever even considered where the shoes would go. The weekend is going to fly by. To bad tomorrow is going to drag on like you wouldn't believe. I will be back Sunday night with more pictures than my 512MB memory card can hold and enough hugs and kisses from Little Mister and baby brother to get me to New Year's when we will see them again.
Labels: Friends, Happy Times, Vacation
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Lap top is still dead. Snapped this on the way out the door this morning. I asked her if she was moving out or just going to school. Free dress day so no uniform today!!
Labels: Sassy Pants, The Girl
Friday, November 10, 2006
Its been a long hard week. I wasn't sure that this was really something I wanted to share but the more I thought about it, I think it is something I need to share because it could happen to someone else and if I can help get the word out then this is where we start.
I am not a shy person, but a modest person to some extent, so this isn't exactly easy for me to share. About three weeks ago I had my anual "girly" check up. I got felt up by a 60 year old grandma and got to "spread um wide". Fun times. I got the low down on monthly self breast exams. I assured her that indeed I am very faithful about these. See, back when I was pregnant with the kiddo I developed 3 lumps in my boobs. ( I should say breast, but boob just lightens the mood a tidge). I was told not to breast feed so that everything would dry up and they could remove the lumps as soon as possible. I remember the doctor telling me "20 year olds don't get breast cancer". Turns out that everything was fine. They were some big long name that means lump in non doctor talk.
Fast foward to 2 years ago. Another lump. Another doctor telling me "people in their 20's don't get breast cancer". Yippee! More mammograms and another nice scar to add to the collection.
Once again, very thankfully, it was the great big long name that means lump.
Jump ahead again. 3 weeks ago to the annual "girly" exam. Nothing. Natta. Zilch. A week after that I find another lump. Back to the doctor I go. She is concerned at the rate it is growing. This time I didn't hear my comfort line about 20 year olds. I guess I am a big 30ish year old now. This time I hear "You just won a ticket for an ultrasound and mammogram, you need to go as soon as they can get you in". (Oh please can they smoosh the shit out of both of them while I am there because it is so much fun).
I come from a long line of lumpy,bumpy, boobies. My mom, my grandma, and my great grandma have all had lumps removed. This actually helps my odds. I still can't help but to worry. Its what I do best.
I called my best friend to tell her. She was shocked and wanted to know why the doctor didn't find it. I told her I didn't know. It was talking to her that got me to thinking. She said that she would have never checked herself that close to going to the doctor and hearing everything was ok. I am glad that I checked. And you should too.
Labels: Important Stuff
This is the sign hanging up in the window as you come into the shop.
A couple of days ago a woman comes in looking a bit frantic.
Woman: Do you have bathroom?
Me: No, I am sorry we don't.
Woman: I guess I should have used the one at the police station then.
Some days it a pure comedy act around this place.
Labels: Shop Talk
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
I had the best intentions to do a few other blog entries this week. They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. If that truly is the case I have a first class ticket with my name on it.
November 6th was the anniversary of my grandpa's death. I was finally ready to talk about it.
Then the laptop died. Actually it was the hard drive. Can you see where this is going? That would be the hard drive with the last 6 months of my pictures on it. That would be the same hard drive that we haven't backed up for at least the last oh say 7 months or so. I was pretty much heartbroken. Some pictures I had burned to CD's for people, a few are still on a memory card, some more are on Flickr and the IPod but the majority of them gone. G.O.N.E. But who needs pictures of the first day of school, or last summers vacation, that camping trip with the gang, your best friend moving away Apparently its not me. The icing on my cake. At least it could have been chocolate.
Labels: Poor Me
Thursday, November 02, 2006

Don't all fairies have blue hair?
Ironic that the devil dog is the only one who would wear the wings...
I think Jorden is 100% sure that the cookie she got in return for the halo just wasn't worth it.

Labels: 4 Legged Friends, The Girl