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Friday, November 10, 2006
It Only Takes A Minute
Its been a long hard week. I wasn't sure that this was really something I wanted to share but the more I thought about it, I think it is something I need to share because it could happen to someone else and if I can help get the word out then this is where we start.

I am not a shy person, but a modest person to some extent, so this isn't exactly easy for me to share. About three weeks ago I had my anual "girly" check up. I got felt up by a 60 year old grandma and got to "spread um wide". Fun times. I got the low down on monthly self breast exams. I assured her that indeed I am very faithful about these. See, back when I was pregnant with the kiddo I developed 3 lumps in my boobs. ( I should say breast, but boob just lightens the mood a tidge). I was told not to breast feed so that everything would dry up and they could remove the lumps as soon as possible. I remember the doctor telling me "20 year olds don't get breast cancer". Turns out that everything was fine. They were some big long name that means lump in non doctor talk.

Fast foward to 2 years ago. Another lump. Another doctor telling me "people in their 20's don't get breast cancer". Yippee! More mammograms and another nice scar to add to the collection.
Once again, very thankfully, it was the great big long name that means lump.

Jump ahead again. 3 weeks ago to the annual "girly" exam. Nothing. Natta. Zilch. A week after that I find another lump. Back to the doctor I go. She is concerned at the rate it is growing. This time I didn't hear my comfort line about 20 year olds. I guess I am a big 30ish year old now. This time I hear "You just won a ticket for an ultrasound and mammogram, you need to go as soon as they can get you in". (Oh please can they smoosh the shit out of both of them while I am there because it is so much fun).

I come from a long line of lumpy,bumpy, boobies. My mom, my grandma, and my great grandma have all had lumps removed. This actually helps my odds. I still can't help but to worry. Its what I do best.

I called my best friend to tell her. She was shocked and wanted to know why the doctor didn't find it. I told her I didn't know. It was talking to her that got me to thinking. She said that she would have never checked herself that close to going to the doctor and hearing everything was ok. I am glad that I checked. And you should too.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the reminder and I am glad you are doing ok!

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