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Friday, November 17, 2006
Is There An Echo In Here?
Why is it when you have someplace you really really really want to go the clock moves soooo slowly. I can hear my mother now "Mar, a watched pot never boils". Uugh!!

The girl was being a real pickle head this morning. This is what she does when I go away. I think it is her own little silent revenge. I know you are wondering where she got this nice little stubborn streak. I can hear my mother now "Mar, the apple doesn't fall from the tree". Uugh!!

The dogs saw the suitcase this morning (Yeah, so what I am now taking a suitcase rather than a carry on) and gave me the cold shoulder. They glared at me like they were angry with me. I can hear my mother now "Mar, dogs get mad, people get angry". Uugh!!

An hour to go. I think I can make it. I am off for a last check of my favorite blogs and email. They don't have high speed internet in the armpit of the world I am visiting. Boss man's friend asked where I was going and when he told her she said "Who would want to go there?". I do dammit and I want to go NOW!!!

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