Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Guess what I was for Halloween? According to the 10ish year old that came knocking on my door, I was a fucking bitch.
We turned our porch light off at 8:00. Overall we didn't have many trick or treaters and it was time for the girl to start winding down before bed. As I said the porch light was off but the front door was open with just the screen door closed. At about 8:15 I hear Trick or Treat! The girl gets to the front door before I do and there are 3 boys (in the 10 - 12 age group standing there) they see her with the bowl of candy and one says "Just give me all you have left". This is about the time I get there and take the bowl away from the girl. As I open the door one of the boys says "Its about time". I didn't say a word. I simply dropped a single box of nerds in the first pillow case. The owner of the pillow case looks at me and says "Thats a rip off". So I nicely inform the little shit that if he hadn't been rude, he quite possibly could have had the entire bowl of candy. I then procede to give the next pillow case toting turd 3-4 pieces of candy. The first boy then says "I toldyou this was a rip off". At this point I was M.A.D. Mad! I said "Then just go and don't come back". Just as I get my door shut one of the boys turns and yells "Your a fucking bitch". I threw down the bowl of candy and ran out the door. The neighbor across the street came out when he heard the boys yell, that is how loud they were. I watched them run across the street so I walked to the corner and stood with my arms crossed watching them. As they turned away from the house they were at and saw me one started yelling "Run Jeffrey, Run!". They ran about 3-4 houses down and got into a car that was waiting for them.
I stood and watched a few more minutes. The car finally pulled away. I was absolutely livid. I didn't really care about the name calling it was the pure rudeness of it all. No, I don't know all of the neighborhood kids, but I am assuming because they got into the car and drove away someone dropped them off in our neighborhood for who knows what reason. Maybe we have better candy. Maybe their parents thought we have a safer neighborhood. Regardless, the way these kids acted blew my mind.
When I came back in and told Hubs about it he said "Don't worry, they will be in jail in a few years anyway at the rate they are going".
I understand that kids will be kids, and I know that mine is not perfect either, but come on now. It makes you wonder what kind of home life they must have to be like that.
I always tell the girl everything you do is a reflection upon us and shows others what kind of parents we are. I hope that Jeffrey and his friends were just showing off for each other and don't have the kind of parents who would think this was ok.
Labels: Mar is Mad
Friday, October 27, 2006
I am thankful that I didn't drop the F bomb today when I burned my finger with the glue gun helping Katers class put together these turkeys.
Labels: The Girl
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Oh great internet. How I need your help. The girl is having her fall party at school on Friday and I need to bring food for 30 ten year olds. Here's the situation. IT HAS TO BE HEALTHY! As in, No Sugar! No cookies, no cupcakes, no candy! I have a list of suggestions, such as cabbage wedges and asparagas spears- I don't know about you, but that screams PAR-TAY to me if anything does.
Not only does it have to be healthy, but I do have an image among the troops to maintain! We can't have them thinking that Katers mom is a big ol dweeb. (Chances are they already think this, but lets not give them a chance to add any fuel to the fire). ;).
So with that be said what are some snacks that you consider healthy that your kids love? Keep in mind we are fairly limited as it can not be prepared at home (store bought only) and it can't be too messy. (Parent teacher conferences that afternoon). Please, please, please let me know what you think, I need all the help I can get! By the way, any one know of 100% juice that comes in kid size packaging that doesn't taste like dishwater?
Labels: Blah Blah Blah, The Girl
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Today is one of those days where there just isn't quite enough time to get it all done. The hubs is on vacation all this week so you would think that would help. For some reason it has done nothing but hinder the well organized schedule we usually run on. It is nice that he is home so he can get some of things done that can usually only be done Monday-Friday in the 8 - 5 span, you know when most people are working!
Anyway back to today. I *thought* Katers had a dentist appointment this afternoon, because I *thought* I could just remember rather than write it down, turns out her appointment is tomorrow. (I am glad they called to confirm). This puts a great big monkey wrench in today and tomorrow. I have a meeting tonight, Hubs has to be on the other side of town and neither situation allows for a cute little tag along. (Good thing Grandma isn't doing anything tonight and can come over and hang with the girl until one of us can get home). Because I *thought* the dentist was today I scheduled the guys to come out tomorrow and evict our unwanted house
guest. Hopefully they will be done in time for Hubs to run to school, pick the girl up early, run all the way back up by the house to get to the dentist on time.
On the up side if I get hungry at my meeting tonight I dropped strawberry jelly all down the front of my shirt this morning so that is there if I need it. GAW!!!
Labels: Casa de Bug
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
We have a small issue here at Casa de Bug. The bug shack? Has bugs! Not just any bugs at that. We got us some termites. What. A. Bummer. Not a cheap bummer at that either. We may be on the PB and J diet next week, and just maybe the week after that as well!
Labels: Casa de Bug, Mar is Mad
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Two years ago tomorrow we set off on an adventure of a lifetime. We were off to Brazil. That is why I am so excited about
this! I remember Hubs coming home and telling me about the trip and that. we. were. going! It was part of a rewards package that he got from work.
I was excitited and nervous. I was sarced to death to be so far away from the girl. I was giddy with the thought of sleeping in everyday we were gone (not having the girl and all).
Let me say, the girl she was in great hands. I really didn't have a problem leaving her, (I knew that we wouldn't be able to call and I wasn't sure how internet access would be), it was the being SO far away from her. On the off chance that something did happen, it would not be easy to get right on a plane and hurry home.
Anyway- when I saw that the Discovery Channel was doing a special on Brazil I was excited. (I really also enjoyed watching the one on China). I looked last night and part of the special was filmed in Salvador. We took a day trip to Salvador and we were just in awe. I can't wait to watch it and see if we recognize any of the buildings or churches. Chances are we may have taken a few pictures while we were there ( I went through one CD last night to make the slide show in the post below and had to weed through over 300 pictures just to pick a few of my favorites) and have some of the places they will show.
Sunday evening you will know where to find me :).
Labels: Fun Times, Vacation
Sunday, October 08, 2006

See this? That is a whole lotta poop my friends. Its time for winter grass out in the Wild West. In exchange for no fluffy white stuff, we opt for the fluffy green stuff.
Hubs and Boppa were up early to plant the new grass seed and spread the manure. Along with the poop fest 2006 come Flies! Oh the flies, they are everywhere.
Of course today was beautiful day out and would have been the first day we could have turned off the air and opened the house up.
Hopefully next weekend it will still be nice. By then the smell should be gone.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Hubs: Would you like an ice cream sandwich?
Me: No thanks.
Hubs: I would offer you a Dilly Bar but.....
Me: But there is only one left and you want it?
Hubs: Yeah, something like that.
Yesterday after a day out and about I decided to stop and indulge in a big-o-bucket of pop. I went right over to the fountains of bliss filled my cup up to the brim with ice and tried to add my beloved pepsi. All that came out was soda water. Fine, I will just tell the nice people who work here. There were 3 people working, 2 behind the counter and one manager was standing in the doorway of a office. I stood patiently waiting my turn to let them know and wait for them to replace the syrup. I must have been using my magical powers and rendered myself invisible without remembering it, because none of the 3 of them seemed to notice I was there.
On to plan B.
I not so nicely set my cup down and decided a bottle of water would have to do. As I waited for them to notice me so I could give them my hard earned money in return for a beverage to wet my whistle, the two people behind the counter start bickering. (Lady=60ish, Boy=17ish). Boy comes up to lady and snaps his fingers in her ear and she screams, yes screams at him "I could just kill you". About this time the manager yells across the store "Don't forget, the mystery shoppers are still out and I know they are on the Westside". Boy says to Lady "Did you hear that" Lady says "No", so manager tells them again. The look on her face was priceless.
Lady asks Boy "When?". Boy says "Right now". Lady looks at me with a questioning look... I say "Well I guess you will never know, will you?". She immediately changed her attitude towards me and becomes my new best friend. Then she says to me "Please have mercy on me" (thinking that I am indeed a mystery shopper). I just smiled and again said I am sorry I can't tell you if its me or not, because then it wouldn't be a mystery.
Was it nice of me? Probably not exactly. Will it make them maybe be nicer to the next customer? Maybe not. Did it make me feel better about not getting my pepsi? You betcha.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
"What year are he from?"
Words spoken from the lips of a grown man, asking about a vintage stuffed animal at the shop.
Goes well with " I just brang those in".
We are a pretty laid back group of people at work and are as about as casual as they come. Every time a regular customer comes in they seem to catch us eating. I like to think its because they always come at lunch time, the truth is, we do tend to eat all day long. What to have for lunch usually turns into the Great Debate on almost a daily basis.
Today I was going to get lunch (Chinese if you were wondering), Bossman 2 left at the same time I did. As I was leaving I noticed a sign for a new resturant at the end of our street. I dialed my cell phone with glee as fast as I could to call Bossman 1 and tell him about it, as the phone was ringing Bossman 2 pulled over to the side of the road and waved me to pull up beside him. He wanted to make sure I saw the sign for the new resturant.
You would think that we would all be bigger than a house and not be able to fit through the front door at the shop. I sure hope the food at the new place is good :).
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The Hubs is at the track tonight with the race car for practice. I don't like it that it cuts into the little time that the 3 of us have together during the week or that I am on my own to check homework (Hubs is the math/science guru, I am better at all the other subjects). But, as selfish as it sounds I love the fact that it means that:
- The girl and I can eat noodles and butter for dinner
- I get to watch a weeks worth of Young and the Restless all at once (gotta love Tivo)
- I can spend a bunch of time catching up on blogs without feeling guilty
- I get the bed to myself until he gets home
So, off I go to catch up on some trash t.v. and enjoy a few extra hours of slumber.
I am the first to admit that the school the girl goes to isn't in the "best" neighborhood, but sometimes you have to give and take. Anyway, with that said here goes...
Monday morning after school had started I was standing in the parking lot talking to a friend for a few minuets before we went on our way. As we were standing there talking we noticed that a very expensive SUV of another parent off to the side of the parking lot, pointed in the direction that you would exit the lot. I said to friend that it sounded like the SUV was running. She walked over towards the SUV and noticed that not only was it running but the families 3 year old was still inside. I was dumbfounded. The mom was nowhere to be seen. We just stood there looking at each other not knowing what to say. The mom came out, came over and talked to us (It took all I had in me not to say anything) and then went over and jumped in the SUV and drove off. The door wasn't even locked! We could not believe it.
I would not leave my girl in the car now (at 10.5 years old) in a good neighborhood, let alone one that is kinda ghetto...
There was no way that had someone came and jumped in the bling bling SUV and took off that there would have been a darn thing that we could have done about it. Sure, we could have tried to get in our cars and follow them but by then they would have a jump start on us, and my guess is if they were stealing a vehicle- they probably aren't going to be following all the traffic rules.
I guess it goes to show you that we all do things differently and don't all make the same decisions in a given situation. I would hope that if I ever was that stupid kharma would come and bite me in the ass HARD!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Last Thursday morning there was an accident that closed the freeway down. I watched it on the news as I got ready for work.
Thursday morning Bossman and his mother were on their way to the airport to go to a wedding, of their niece and granddaughter. On the way to the airport they had to exit the freeway because of the accident.
The accident took the life of their nephew and grandson.
He was 18.