Friday, September 29, 2006
Today my cousin is 16. H used to get so mad at M and I that she would yell at us "I NOT SASSY!", and the best was when she would tell us, "Well, your not coming to my birthday". Ah, how when you are 3 that seems like the end of the world.
I love you Helga and wish that we could have come to your birthday party this year. Sassy or not, you will always be my girl. I don't have the words to let you know what it would have done to me not to have you
I am sure there is a brand new car on the driveway with your name on it!
Today was school picture day. I remember getting the girl ready for picture day when she was in kindergarten. We spent 45 mins getting her hair just so, making sure her uniform was ironed and crisp and clean. This morning we ran around looking for the hairbrush, just to be able to use it, not even to "fix" her hair. I ironed the front of her shirt, because really, no one was going to see the back and as she ran out to get in the truck I chased her with the bottle of Febreeze to spray in the direction of her skirt. Does anyone know when re-takes are?
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you used a fluorescent blub as a light saber ? My guess is something like this. I only wish I could say that we could say that we had some fun making this mess. Bossman got to work a little early this morning and described it to me like this.
Bossman (I was going to call him BM but that didn't seem real nice) : It sounded like bombs going off in here this morning.
Me: What are you talking about?
Him: Really, I thought we were being bombed!
Me: What happened?
Him: Come on and I will show you.
When we got to the backroom this is (a small fraction) the mess that awaited . It seems that someone (NO, not me, at least this time) propped 3 or 4 bulbs in the corner and some how they ended up falling and crashing into my handy dandy little stool. Glass went every where. What. A. Mess. Bossman is still cleaning it up. I imagine we will continue to find little piece of glass for a really long time.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Our best friends are moving next week. Last night we got together to go to dinner. They made arrangements to have Granny babysit their boys while we ate. Little Mister was playing in the other room with Katers .
Little Mister's Dad: "Come on bud, get your shoes we have to go".
Little Mister: "Are they moving with us?"
Little Mister thought that BAM! They were moving right then. (Its a hard concept for a 3 year old to grasp, heck I myself am having a hard time understanding it!)
This morning I have a headache. I am sure it is from him melting my heart and making me cry. I can only imagine what next weekend will be like. I sure hope this week drags on for a really long time.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Well here we are. Monday. Blah. It was one of those weekends that we should have gotten lots done but we really didn't. If I ever find a genie in a bottle I am so going to wish that we never have laundry to do. I will wish for my very own laundry fairy. Anyway, on the agenda for this week around the Bug Shack? Meetings, meetings and more meetings. Tonight I have one, Weds. I have one, and Thursday? I have 3! Think I will make all of them? Yeah, me either. Life is grand. I may just forget what my kiddo looks like. Thats kinda what is funny about the whole thing. All these meeting? When it comes right down to it, I do for her. To make sure she has what she wants and needs and that the school she goes to is the best school that it can be. But then I feel quilty when I am not there to tuck her in at night, or remind her for the umpteenth time to brush her teeth.
It will get better, it will slow down, I will get to spend more time with kiddo soon...
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Today a friend of mine got 2 dozen red long stem roses delivered to her at work. She went out with the guy one time! Yes, I said ONE time! I told her I must be doing something wrong. Hubs sends flowers occasionally but I can count on 2 fingers the number of times they were roses (and not 24 of them).
Don't get me wrong, I do like flowers, but I am just as happy with the $9.99 bunch from Costco as I would be with the extravaganza she got. They were so big that she could not even get them in her car to get them home!
I was telling Hubs about it tonight and told him that if he ever spent that kind of money on flowers I would be livid. (Last week I ordered the same flowers for bossman for his 20th anniversary and they were almost $200.00). Bet I shot myself on the foot on that one! ;)
Monday, September 11, 2006
I remember I was getting out of the shower when Hubs came into the bathroom and told me that a plane had just hit one of the towers. I went over to the t.v. and watched in utter shock. I remember the two of us talking about it, never considering that it was on purpose until we saw them show the second plane hit.
I remember dropping Katie off at school that morning. She was in kindergarten. There was a little girl in her class, her name is Hope, Katie always called her Hoak for what ever reason. Hoak was just like the tazmanian devil, always running at 100 miles per hour. She has flamming red hair and that is how we always knew it has her running by as it was always a flash of red. That morning I was standing next to Katie waiting for the bell to ring and Hoak came up to me and grabbed my hand. She just stood there holding onto me. Then she said I saw the airplanes on t.v. and I am sad. We were all sad Hoak, we still are.
I remember the days following you could stand at the end of our street and look down and see a flag flying from just about every house. This morning there were two. The lady who lived next door was from New York, as is the guy who still lives across the street on the corner, the lady directly across the street, also from from New York. What are the odds. One of them lost a family member, another a few friends. They will always remember.
This morning, 5 years later I was once again dropping Katie off at school. After the bell rang they had a prayer service. As the first graders were reading little poems and such, I thought to myself, what do they remember? 5 years ago, most of them were about 2. They will only remember what they were taught. They will not remember seeing it on t.v. when it happened. They will not remember the flags flying in neighborhoods. But I will and so will Hoak.
I will also remember what those 1st graders, the ones who were too little to remember, said this morning. "We knew it would be ok because the next day, the sun came up and the moon and the stars were out when we went to bed and our moms and dads tucked us in our beds making us feel safe and warm". I will remember those children we saw on t.v. who lost their parents and will never have them to tuck them in again.
I will remember every time I see Hoak. I will remember every time I see a flag. Now, I will remember every time I see the sun and the stars and the moon.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Soon, very soon we will have to say good-bye to our best friends. I can't begin to fathom how much we will miss them. This is their little guy (who just isn't staying little long enough) with Katie last weekend. I could just eat them both up with a spoon...
Monday, September 04, 2006

Jorden acting like she is asleep.
Magoo getting dried off. (Her favortie part of the bath)
Katie helping with baths (!?!?!)
The water is cold!
Daddy working in the garage.

Happy Labor Day! Why is it when you don't have to get up and can sleep until noon with no real plans, that you are wide awake at 7:15? The first time I woke up was when the alarm usually goes off for hubs to get up, gosh darn that internal alarm clock of mine.
How has our fine day started off? Hubs is out in the garage working on the Christmas cut outs for the yard, pretty soon he will assume his alias Clark Griswold and we will be in the holiday spirit ready for it or not.
The girl and I? We started the day off with baths for the dogs. Let me just tell ya, I shoulda went to work to have a break!
Well, just when I thought I had the picture download thing figured out, I don't. So in no order whatsoever, our day.
Friday, September 01, 2006
I think my face is still a little red. Yesterday at work I managed to lock myself in the bathroom at work. I have used that very same bathroom every day, several times a day, for the past 10 years. The door has occasionally stuck here and there, depending on the weather or for whatever other reason it decides it wants to stick. The general contractor had just painted the backroom, where the bathroom is, and for whatever reason it caused the bathroom door to really stick. I went in did what I had to do and washed my hands. There were no paper towels in the bathroom so I wiped my hands on my shorts because I couldn't get a grip on the door knob. Well no matter how hard I tried I could not get the door open. I tried calling the contractors name with no response. Lets just say it was a good thing I had my cell phone in my pocket so I could call bossman and see how far away he was and admit to him that I was pretty much an idiot and couldn't get out of the bathroom.
I am sure after a good laugh, he came and freed me from my prison. Talk about hard time (I think I was in there all of 3 mins maybe, time goes so slow when your in the pokey you know). I had lots of time to think and believe that I have served my punishment for all the goofy stuff I have done the past few days. If it happens again, I am asking for an early release for good behavior. Guess I better start behaving. Just in case.