Saturday, December 30, 2006
We are leaving in just a few mins. to go to the airport to go and ring in the New Year with Little Mister and all those who live with him to be at his beck and call.
Wish us luck, everyone there has the flu and the forecast is calling for that fluffy white stuff we never see.
Until next year.....
Casa De Bug
Monday, December 25, 2006

My favorite Chirstmas memory this year?
The girl laying with her head in my lap almost asleep waiting for Midnight Mass to start while the choir sang Christmas hymns.
This is the very reason that Christmas is what it is at our house. The twinkle in her eye, the love in her smile, and the giggles, oh those little giggles, I think they start at her toes and slowly work their way out.
Merry Chirstmas Sweetheart. Thank you for the memories. We l ove you more than you know!

This is what my brother got me. Can you read the fine print though? This is not just any Chia it is the special 25th Anniversary Chia that is also an alarm clock.
I am not sure how I will ever be able to thank him.
Labels: Christmas, Why In The World
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Just in case you were looking for that last minute gift, I just left the Target by my house and there were hardly any people in the store! I even found everything I was loooking for!
I still have about 30 things to wrap and now I just need to figure out when I can do it without the girl seeing me. We are going to Midnight Mass so I am thinking around 2:00 am will have to do. I think I should have bought more tape while I was at the store.
Labels: Casa de Bug
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Is for my laundry to be done! No really, we are knee deep in dirty socks and damp towels around the bug shack. See the ol' washing machine has decided that it doesn't have to rinse or drain on the first, or second or third, cycle for that matter for the last 2 weeks or so.
I tried everything I could think of to take mercy on the big box that we depend so much on and don't realize just how much we need it until its not working. I tried switching to liquid soap instead of powder, washing everything on the same cycle, extra small loads (cause this helps get it done). Nothing was working.
We were ready to just go out and buy a new washer. (It being Christmas time and all we have all kinds of extra money laying around you know). Then hubs decided to try and take the washer apart and see if it was something he could fix himself. Turns out that yes indeed, he could fix the beast!! I never thought I would be happy to send $100 on something that looks like some funky happy meal toy.
At last report the washer was rinsing and draining like a charm. Now if I could just put a call into Santa and ask him to send a little elf over to help me get caught I would be a happy girl!
Labels: Casa de Bug
Thursday, December 14, 2006
If it weren't for bad luck I don't think I would have any at all. Yup, its trivial and stupid but I just feel like its just one more thing that didn't work out. I called and scheduled a hair appointment for Saturday afternoon a day last week. Then I worked it all out to arrange for someone to watch the girl and drop her off at play practice in the middle of the day. (Because isn't play practice for 3 hours in the middle of the afternoon on one of the last Saturdays before Chirstmas convient for everyone?) Hubs had a day trip out of town for work so he couldn't do it.
Oh Lordy do I ever need to go and see the magical hands of Mary. I think if you held my picture next to one of
Cousin It you would be hard pressed to tell the difference.
My phone rang today and they wanted to confirm my appointment for tomorrow! Good Golly I made it for Saturday not Friday. I have never made a hair appointment on a Friday in my life. Um, not according to them. Just my dang luck. I talked to the lovely Miss Mary and there is no fitting me in Saturday*. Uugh.
I just may be toasting in the New Year with roots down to my ears because I have no idea when I can schedule another appointment.
Labels: Poor Me
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
We have been to the doctor everyday this week so far. Monday was my first physical therapy. My appointment was at 10:30, they called me back at 12:00. I was not a happy camper. I realized afterwards that I should have not taken it out on the therapist who had my poor achy back in her hands.
Tuesday was Katie's turn. She has had the same cough for over 2 weeks now. My mom took her to the doctor a week ago and she just hasn't been able to kick it with what he gave her so back we went. We are trying a different antibotic this time and will put a humidifier in her room and see if that helps. The only good news about this is that just as the pharmacist promised, you can now get Zithromax in generic!! Woo hoo! Praise be to the founder of generic drugs. I really don't know how people with no or crappy insurance make it.
Today, it was back to PT for me. Today I got in 10 mins BEFORE my scheduled time! I should have stopped and bought a lottery ticket I was feeling so lucky.
I am hoping that no one requires a visit to the ol' doc tomorrow. I am back Friday for PT again.
To celebrate all of our visits this week we will be eating the Blue Box tonight, as with all the co-pays that we have forked out this week we are lucky we have the 69 cents to buy the mac and crack and the butter and milk to go with it!
Time to go and get the girl from softball practice. Any takers on a bet that she is probably wearing shorts and a t-shirt and her teeth are chattering out of her little pea pickin head. And she wonders why she has to go to the doctor.
Labels: Poor Me, The Girl
An old man was just in the store and on his way out this conversation happened.
BossMan: Thanks Bud! Come back again.
Old Man: My name is George.
BossMan: Bye George.
Old Man: Bye Bud.
Labels: Shop Talk
Sunday, December 10, 2006

See the hand on her hip? We are in so much trouble in a few more years..
The cuteness, I can hardly stand it.
Labels: Sassy Pants
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Well here we are again. I have been consumed with doctors visits, talking to insurance adjusters, and those little copper coins with Honest Abe on them.
As the little copper coins go- the girl's school, MHD, does a coin drive every Christmas season for the needy families in the area of the school. Because it tis the season we take the coins to a machine that counts them for us and turns them into cash dollars and in turn, those lovely cash dollars are turned into gift certificates to our local grocery stores. Any hoo, do you know how heavy $2000.00 worth of pennies are? Even more so with a screwy back. Its nice to have friends in the right places sometimes. Regardless, it teaches the kids about giving and doing for others. If we can teach them this, they are ahead of the game in my book.
The good hands people are my new best friends. They have been very helpful to us trying to work out everything from the little accident on Monday. I went this morning to have the truck looked at and now have a lovely check to get the ball rolling to get the truck returned to its former glory. I am so very thankful that I was in my big girl truck and not a little tin can car. It could have been so much worse.
Doctors, doctors and more doctors. Monday after the accident I was already feeling pretty stiff so we went to Ur*gent Care. I was given the nector of the gods as far as pain medicine and muslce relaxers go and sent on my way to have x-rays taken. Of course every thing was closed. Well by luck of the draw, I was already going to the x-ray lab Tuesday morning. I figured I would kill 2 birds with one stone! Ha those birds say to me as they poop on those plans. I was there 4 hours! Good thing boss man is so understanding. Yesterday I was off to my primary care doc to get the x-ray results. Long story short, soft tissue damage, muscle something or other, Monday we will start some physical therapy to see if we can at least get the muscles to relax a little better. There is more doctor stuff to talk about but maybe later. I just don't want to think about that right now as well.
I have lots of new pictures to add to Flickr. I brought the cord with me to work but not the camera. (My mind is a busy place these days) It may take me awhile to get them uploaded at that point! I promise you, you have never see a cuter little sassy pants in go-go boots than you will see here once I get the pictures up. She is the silver lining in the gray cloud I seem to have floating over my head these days.
Labels: Blah Blah Blah
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
This is the 3rd time in a month that "something" has happened to my truck. If you look closely you can see the first boo boo just under the tail light. That doosie was the result of me trying to pull a trailer and it not backing up when I thought it did and turning into it.
The second time was the day after Thanksgiving. You can read about it right
The third was yesterday afternoon. I stopped. The guy behind me, as you can tell did not. Nor did he have insurance. Heck, it wasn't even his car. Can it get any worse??
Labels: Poor Me
Today was my mammogram. I have dreaded it since the day I scheduled it. It wasn't as bad as I remember the last one being but still not something I would want to do again say, ever. But we all know I can't be that lucky.
They also did an ultrasound. The tech found at least one more lump, possibly two. Of course the tech can't tell you anything so you have to wait for the doctor to tell you what the tech tells him.
So we wait again. Waiting is not my strong point.
A few interesting things I learned today.
1 in 2,500 2o year olds get breast cancer
1 in 250 30 year olds get breast cancer
80% of lumps are benign
The biggest kicker of all?? Caffeine is known to cause these lumps. Uugh!! So this weekend I will live it up with my beloved Pep*si and bid it farewell come Sunday evening.