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Tuesday, December 05, 2006
The Great Smoosh
Today was my mammogram. I have dreaded it since the day I scheduled it. It wasn't as bad as I remember the last one being but still not something I would want to do again say, ever. But we all know I can't be that lucky.

They also did an ultrasound. The tech found at least one more lump, possibly two. Of course the tech can't tell you anything so you have to wait for the doctor to tell you what the tech tells him.

So we wait again. Waiting is not my strong point.

A few interesting things I learned today.
1 in 2,500 2o year olds get breast cancer
1 in 250 30 year olds get breast cancer
80% of lumps are benign

The biggest kicker of all?? Caffeine is known to cause these lumps. Uugh!! So this weekend I will live it up with my beloved Pep*si and bid it farewell come Sunday evening.


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